Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving day count down...

If you read my last post, you probably already guessed that I am "that" person that prefers to just skip over Thanksgiving and dive straight into Christmas.  I have never really been excited about this holiday and it still has not grown on me.  But....there are a couple of things about this holiday that excites me.  First of all I truly enjoy the time off from work that I get to spend with my family and secondly......wait for it......this needs to be capitalized....THE SHOPPING that follows!  I LOVE to shop!  Although purchasing "new" gifts as opposed to vintage or antique gifts is not on the top of my list....its still shopping!  So good luck to me and all of you out there that will be on the thrill of the hunt black Friday.

This past weekend I made it to a couple of yard sales.  Nothing too exciting to post, but I did get all four of these glass vases for $1.00!  I can use them for anything, right now I have glass Christmas ornaments in them.

I hope everyone has a relaxing and safe holiday!  Have a Happy Thanksgiving!


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